
Biden Congratulates the Iraqi Government on the Success of the Baghdad Conference; Final Statement: For Cooperation Based on Good Neighborliness

Biden Congratulates the Iraqi Government on the Success of the Baghdad Conference; Final Statement: For Cooperation Based on Good Neighborliness

U.S. President Joe Biden congratulated the Iraqi government this morning for hosting the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership, praising the summit's role in reducing tensions among neighboring countries. In a statement from the White House, Biden said, "Iraq is our partner; we are committed to strengthening our relationship with it and working together to achieve stability across the Middle East."

The statement added that "Iraq has exercised historic leadership in lowering tensions and expanding cooperation across the Middle East," noting that "diplomacy should be the first tool of our foreign policy, and we are grateful to have partners who share this vision." Biden said, "When Prime Minister Kadhimi and I met in the Oval Office last month, we discussed Iraq's vital role in the region and the significant efforts led by the Iraqi government, including the Kurdistan Regional Government, to improve and enhance relations between Iraq and its neighbors."

Iraq hosted a historical event by bringing together several leaders and officials from neighboring countries at one dialogue table on Saturday during a conference on partnership, crisis resolution, and cooperation against terrorism to secure the region and protect its stability.

The final statement of the summit welcomed the participants' acknowledgment of Iraq's diligent diplomatic efforts to reach common ground with both regional and international surroundings to enhance political, economic, and security partnerships, adopt constructive dialogue, and establish understandings based on shared interests. It indicated that Baghdad's hosting of this conference is clear evidence of Iraq's policy of balance and positive cooperation in its foreign relations.

Participants reiterated their support for the Iraqi government's efforts to strengthen state institutions according to constitutional mechanisms, conduct parliamentary elections representative of the Iraqi people, and support Iraq's efforts in seeking international oversight to ensure the integrity and transparency of the upcoming electoral process.

According to the final statement, participants acknowledged that the region faces common challenges that require cooperative engagement among regional countries based on mutual interests and good neighborliness principles while respecting national sovereignty and non-interference in domestic affairs.

Participants praised Iraq's efforts and significant sacrifices in its fight against terrorism with the help of the international coalition, welcoming the development of Iraq's military and security capabilities to contribute to enhancing security in the region, reiterating their rejection of all forms and types of terrorism and extremist ideologies.

They emphasized the need for continued cooperation in facing the COVID-19 pandemic through the exchange of experiences and sharing successful vaccination mechanisms, supporting health sectors, and building effective cooperation to address this shared challenge and its significant health, social, and economic impacts.

Participants also agreed on the necessity of enhancing efforts with Iraq to address challenges posed by climate change and global warming in accordance with relevant international agreements.

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