
Title: Beginning September 1: Berri as a Key Player in the Presidential and Governmental Scenes

Title: Beginning September 1: Berri as a Key Player in the Presidential and Governmental Scenes

Regarding the discussions about the head of the "Free Patriotic Movement," MP Gebran Bassil, having a blocking third in the new government, governmental sources responded via "Naharnet" that any talk of a blocking third during a presidential vacancy is "inaccurate and misplaced." They clarified that "if Bassil's ministerial team holds a blocking third in the current composition, in the case of a presidential void, no team will need a blocking third, as the Cabinet collectively assumes the powers of the President of the Republic, allowing any minister to obstruct decisions by refusing to sign them."

The sources pointed out that "President Berri will be a key player in both the presidential and governmental scenes starting September 1," which marks the beginning of the constitutional period for electing a new president. They explained that this is mainly due to Berri's control over the timing of calling for the presidential election. "Thus, the game will be in his hands, as whenever he calls the assembly, it will turn into an electoral body, and the deputies will not be able to legislate or grant any new government confidence. This will create pressure on Aoun and Miqati to expedite the formation of a government before Berri issues the call to commence presidential election sessions."

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