
Title: Video: Majida El Roumi Collapses During Her Concert at Jerash Festival

Title: Video: Majida El Roumi Collapses During Her Concert at Jerash Festival

Lebanese artist Majida El Roumi experienced a fainting spell and lost her balance due to a drop in blood pressure during her concert at Jerash Festival in Jordan. While performing her song "I Love You So Much," the artist nearly fell to the ground were it not for the help of a musician who carried her off stage. El Roumi resumed her performance after about 10 minutes. A video was shared by her manager, Awad El Roumi, and her brother showing her entering the stage.

It’s worth noting that Lebanese singer Majida El Roumi was born in 1957, and she is a goodwill ambassador for the United Nations and a representative for FAO. The Jerash Festival for Culture and Arts returned for its thirty-fifth edition yesterday after being absent last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, featuring nights filled with performances from stars of art and music. The opening ceremony was held last night at the North Theatre with a national operetta composed by Majid Zreeqat, coordinated by Ayman Abdullah and directed by Lina Al-Tal, with the participation of many Jordanian artists, followed by a concert by Lebanese singer Majida El Roumi at the South Theatre.

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