
Secrets of Local Newspapers Issued in Beirut

Secrets of Local Newspapers Issued in Beirut


Political forces from Metn are focusing on one of the new candidates to tarnish his reputation in an attempt to support another candidate from the same sect. Communications between Mrs. Meryam Skaf and Dr. Eid Aazar did not lead to any electoral cooperation as was previously promoted. It has been reported that there was relief expressed in recent days by an old party in the Mountain, following the positions of its head and leader, as well as through the positions of a resigned deputy that aligned with the party president. An electoral expert stated that the rhetoric focusing on separating the Shiite base from the most representative duo of the sect is leading to outcomes contrary to what its proponents aspire to.


Comments from a major party leader about "enabling allies" stirred discontent among several cadres of that party, who openly expressed objections to this direction. A political reference was reported to be worried about upcoming steps against a senior employee that could have major negative repercussions on all levels. An active party expects to win at least 4 or 5 new deputies as allies from a second sect.


Those concerned looked closely at the names of candidates withdrawing from the elections, revealing that the presence of candidates aligned with a strong Beqa' list makes the anticipated decision more difficult. A parliamentary reference refused to meet an ambitious deputy, leading the latter to escalate his rhetoric, awaiting results at the ballot boxes. Coordination has intensified, without announcement, to thwart a scheme targeting a long-standing alliance in the region, starting from a nearby capital.

*Al-Nidaa Al-Watan*

It was rumored that the bail for Raji Salameh was set at 500 billion LBP, equivalent to about 25 million USD, due to the documents in the file not constituting convincing evidence for prosecution, and because Judge Mansour raised the amount to a level unprecedented in Lebanese judiciary to avoid accusations of leniency towards Raji Salameh, considering that the case has a political ceiling. A candidate from the "Free Patriotic Movement" was asked if he would vote for President Nabih Berri for the presidency of the parliament in case of victory, and he categorically denied it, stating: "Definitely not." Ministerial sources considered that the Lebanese presidential guard's decision to disperse a gathering of Lebanese University professors by force carries a political message from the term that compliance is required with the appointment basket as desired by the "Free Patriotic Movement," primarily the appointment of former Minister Ghada Shreim as Dean of the Faculty of Arts.


A former minister often repeats that he did not accept his party leader's request to run for parliament because he does not want to become a former candidate. An influential party faces several electoral contradictions among the forces belonging to its political axis, requiring decisive intervention in more than one district as the deadline for list registrations approaches.


An economic expert noted that some European countries' bets on forgoing purchasing gas from Russia remind one of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri's announcement regarding Lebanon's ability to avoid commercial transit from Syria by relying on air transport. As geography is a dictator, as Napoleon said, neighbors appreciated the principle of intercession and preference. A military expert indicated that the new balance of the Russian military equation relies on besieging cities with bridgeheads far from direct friction and exercising control by fire from air, sea, and land to destroy any military infrastructure and any weapon and fuel depots, while Russia would not be under Ukrainian fire; time is in favor of Moscow.

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