
Shocking Details About the Murder of a Girl Inside a Famous Mall

Shocking Details About the Murder of a Girl Inside a Famous Mall

A 21-year-old Egyptian girl was killed after receiving fatal stab wounds and blows to her head inside a mall in Kafr Dawar, Beheira Governorate (northern Egypt). Egyptian media reported the details of the murder of Naglaa Ne'ma Allah Said, who was working at a doctor's clinic in the mall.

Witnesses confirmed that Naglaa died while working as a secretary in a dental clinic when a thief entered to steal her mobile phone. She resisted, prompting the assailant to violently slam her head against the wall and then choke her with the scarf she was wearing before fleeing the scene. Mall staff later found her body and informed the police, who intensified efforts to apprehend the perpetrator.

The preliminary medical report indicated severe head trauma, scattered bruises on the body, and signs of strangulation around the neck. The prosecution ordered a forensic doctor to conduct an autopsy and prepare a report on the nature of the death, subsequently permitting burial.

The girl's family stated that her body would be transported from her home in the Kafr Dawar village of Qarnashawy to be buried in the family cemetery in the village of Dalaashi after obtaining the burial permit. The Kafr Dawar police intensified their efforts by reviewing surveillance cameras in the mall and surrounding areas to identify those responsible for the incident, while security forces maintained tight surveillance on the clinic until investigations concluded.

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