
Title: "Surface Temperature in Turkey and Cyprus Exceeds 50 Degrees Celsius"


The surface temperature in Cyprus and Turkey has surpassed 50 degrees Celsius for the second time this month, the European Space Agency reported on Tuesday, as a heatwave strikes several countries. The wildfires, considered the worst in decades, have ignited vast areas along Turkey's Mediterranean and Aegean coasts for the past week. Meanwhile, neighboring Greece has indicated that the record heatwave there is linked to climate change.

The European Space Agency released a map of the region, including Cyprus, showing extensive areas in dark red. The agency stated, "It is clear that surface temperatures in Turkey and Cyprus have once again reached over 50 degrees Celsius." A previous map, created using data from its satellite "Copernicus Sentinel-3," showed a similar image on July 2.

The statement added, "While weather forecasts use expected air temperatures, this satellite measures the actual amount of energy emitted from the earth and provides the true surface temperature." Surface temperatures can differ and are often more extreme than the air temperatures reported in weather updates. The American space agency "NASA" describes it as "the heat of the earth's surface when touching a specific location."

In Turkey, air temperatures exceeding 40 degrees Celsius throughout the south have led to record electricity usage, causing power outages on Monday in cities like Ankara and Istanbul. Heatwaves have become more frequent worldwide due to climate change, according to scientists who predict they will intensify as global temperatures rise.

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