
"The Forces" to Demand Confidence in the Minister

Member of the "Strong Republic" bloc, MP Ghassan Hasbani, indicated that "the Minister of Finance is stepping out of his role by refusing to sign the decree for judicial appointments, which delays the investigations of the port." He mentioned that they have addressed a question to him, and if he does not respond, they will convert the question into an interrogation and demand confidence in him.

Hasbani stated in an interview with MTV: "We were informed in the Finance Committee that the recovery plan approved by the government will undergo amendments and changes, and there are no clear legislations or legal texts that translate the plan. We cannot legislate 'piece by piece' or 'individually'; rather, we need to see a complete approach from the government, which is our request to Mikati."

He considered that "there is no clear roadmap today for reforms, and as long as there is a political authority using the public sector to impose influence, there will be no reforms."

Regarding the presidential election, Hasbani said: "The presidential candidate must be clear in his approach to the issue of arms outside the framework of the Lebanese state, and certainly there are names, but it is too early to talk about them."

On the issue of border demarcation, he pointed out that "Lebanon is being used by various countries to pressure other countries, which is why we see drones and escalation, and this does not serve Lebanon's interests, hoping that drones do not turn into Eastern-Western compromises." He added, "International interests are not aligned with Lebanon’s interests in extracting gas, and the President bears the responsibility for negotiations. Lebanon's wealth is not limited to the southern blocks, and we do not hear anyone talking about the northern blocks."

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