
Joseph Attieh Criticizes Reema Rahbani for Distorting Her Mother's Image

Joseph Attieh Criticizes Reema Rahbani for Distorting Her Mother's Image

Lebanese artist Joseph Attieh expressed his strong discontent with Reema Rahbani's actions when she claimed that artist Maya Diab had no right to sing for her mother, Fairuz. Attieh affirmed that he opposes Rahbani's decision to prevent artists from singing for Fairuz, considering that such actions disrespect her mother. He emphasized that Fairuz does not belong to anyone and is a significant icon in music, belonging to everyone.

Additionally, during his appearance on the program "Al-Muwajaha," the Lebanese artist revealed that there is a strong possibility he may enter the field of acting, which he is seriously considering as it is an ambition for him. He mentioned that the first music video from his upcoming album, set to be released soon, will feature a bit of acting.

He justified his thoughts on this matter by stating, "Many artists have entered the field of acting alongside singing, including Haifa Wehbe, who left a notable impact in this field." It is worth noting that Joseph Attieh shone last year in Ramadan series themes, including two themes for the series "Al-Sahir," which achieved wide popularity.

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