Arab World

In Kuwait: Kidnapped and Killed - The Killer Claims: She Killed Herself

In Kuwait: Kidnapped and Killed - The Killer Claims: She Killed Herself

The repercussions of the murder of the girl Farah Hamza Akbar, which shocked Kuwaiti society days ago, continue to unfold. Local media revealed on Sunday that the accused killer, Fahd Sobhi Muhyiddin, a Kuwaiti in his 30s, attempted to deny his act and shift blame in court. The public prosecution charged him with premeditated murder and kidnapping by force, demanding the maximum penalty of death.

The perpetrator claimed that the victim pulled a knife from her vehicle and stabbed herself. Reports indicate that authorities are searching for the murder weapon, as the killer provided two different locations where he claimed to have discarded it during questioning. According to the public prosecution documents, Fahd Sobhi Muhyiddin had a brief acquaintance with the deceased Farah, and their relationship ended before she faced harassment from him, leading her to file a complaint against him with the public prosecution.

The prosecution is expected to send the case file to the court at the beginning of next week to expedite it as one of the fastest cases to be legally fortified and brought before the platform of justice. Notably, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Interior announced last Tuesday evening that the Criminal Security Sector apprehended a citizen for committing murder in Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate, after he stabbed a woman in connection with a lawsuit filed against him for attempted murder by her sister, a lawyer.

Details from the ministry's statement revealed that the killer abducted the woman from her car on the highway and took her to an "unknown location," where he stabbed her in the heart. Her body was later found in a hospital south of Kuwait City. The accused has been referred to the relevant authorities to take necessary legal actions against him. Additionally, a video circulated on Twitter showing a woman screaming and explaining the story, stating that the perpetrator kidnapped her sister due to the impending court session regarding the case against him after he collided with her car and forcibly stopped her. Social media users at that time called for the harshest penalties against the killer and support for the victim's rights.

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