Arab World

Saudi-American Call to Intensify Diplomatic Efforts to Resolve the Yemen Crisis

Saudi-American Call to Intensify Diplomatic Efforts to Resolve the Yemen Crisis

Saudi Arabia and the United States called for intensified diplomatic efforts to resolve the Yemen crisis, emphasizing the importance of the Houthis participating in good faith in political negotiations with the legitimate government under the auspices of the United Nations. This came during a meeting on Monday evening between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense of Saudi Arabia, and U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, where they discussed the strategic relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them in various fields, in addition to regional issues and matters of mutual concern.

Regarding Yemen, the Crown Prince reaffirmed Saudi Arabia's initiative to end the Yemen crisis, which includes a comprehensive ceasefire monitored by the UN, support for the UN proposal to allow the entry of fuel ships into the port of Hodeidah, the reopening of Sana'a International Airport for flights to and from selected destinations, in addition to current relief flights, and the commencement of consultations among the Yemeni parties to reach a political solution to the crisis based on the three references under UN sponsorship.

For his part, Sullivan confirmed the strategic partnership between the two countries and the United States' complete commitment to support Saudi Arabia's defense of its territory against all threats, including missile and drone attacks supported by Iran. He also affirmed the President's support for Saudi Arabia's goal of driving towards a permanent political solution and ending the Yemen conflict, reiterating the United States' full support for these proposals and the UN's efforts to achieve a political resolution to the crisis.

Saudi Arabia and the United States urged for intensified diplomatic efforts to achieve this goal, highlighting the importance of the Houthis' good faith participation in the political negotiations with the legitimate government under UN supervision.

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