
Video: Young Man Risks His Life to Save Two Children from a Burning House

Video: Young Man Risks His Life to Save Two Children from a Burning House

A young man managed to rescue two children from a fire that broke out in their home located in Arizona, USA, risking his life in a heroic act that impressed social media users. The unnamed young man put his life on the line when he decided to climb through a window of the burning house, inserting half of his body inside to rescue the children who were in one of the rooms engulfed in flames.

According to authorities, the building that caught fire is located in Mesa, east of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix. The young man succeeded in saving a two-year-old and a six-year-old child. The video showed a police officer throwing stones at the house's windows, shouting, "There are children inside."

While passing through the area, the young man noticed the flames and rushed to the window, asking the children inside to come closer so he could pull them out. A spokesperson for the Mesa Police told Sky News that "if it weren’t for the citizen who offered help, the outcome of this incident could have been completely different."

The officer added that the man who risked his life refused to reveal his name, noting that his only goal was to save the children. The incident did not result in any serious injuries; however, the two children and four officers were taken to the hospital, where they were treated for smoke inhalation.

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