
North Korea Tests "Cruise" Missile and Pentagon Considers it a Threat

North Korea Tests

North Korea announced a successful test launch of a new long-range "strategic" cruise missile, which the U.S. Department of Defense stated "poses a threat to its neighbors." The Pentagon is monitoring the missile tests conducted by North Korea in recent hours, emphasizing that Washington is coordinating with allies regarding the implications of these tests. The Pentagon affirmed that these experiments reflect Pyongyang's determination to continue developing its military programs that threaten the international community.

North Korea reported that it successfully tested a new long-range cruise missile on Saturday and Sunday, according to the Korean Central News Agency. North Korean state media mentioned that Pyongyang conducted successful tests of long-range missile launches over the weekend. It noted that the missile traveled a distance of 1,500 kilometers before hitting its target and falling into the country's territorial waters. North Korean media added that the development of missiles provides "strategic importance in possessing another effective means of deterrence to ensure the security of our state more reliably, in addition to containing the military maneuvers of hostile forces."

The announcement of North Korea resuming missile launches comes just days after South Korea announced it had conducted a strategic ballistic missile test from a domestically produced submarine, according to AFP. Analysts stated that if the long-range cruise missile launches are confirmed, it would represent a technological advancement for North Korea.

In Washington, the Pentagon issued a statement confirming that it is monitoring the missile tests conducted by North Korea in recent hours and that Washington is closely coordinating with its regional allies regarding the situation. The Pentagon added that these tests reflect North Korea's insistence on continuing to develop military programs that "pose a threat to its neighbors and the international community." The statement concluded by affirming that the commitment of the United States to defend South Korea and Japan is a fundamental pillar of its relations with them.

For a long time, North Korea has accused the United States and South Korea of pursuing an "anti-Pyongyang" policy. Negotiations aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear and missile programs in exchange for U.S. sanctions relief have stalled since 2019. Despite being subjected to extensive international sanctions, North Korea has rapidly developed its military capabilities in recent years under Kim Jong Un's leadership. Pyongyang has conducted several nuclear tests and successfully tested ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States.

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