
Mufti Dali: The Strong Republic Has Led Us to the Lowest Depths of Hell

Mufti Dali: The Strong Republic Has Led Us to the Lowest Depths of Hell

Celebrations took place in various villages and towns of Al-Arqoub and Hasbaya to mark the Feast of Sacrifice, and prayers were held in the mosques attended by worshippers.

Mufti of Hasbaya and Marjeyoun Sheikh Hassan Dali led the prayers at Al-Faruq Mosque in Shebaa, Al-Arqoub, in the presence of MP Qassem Hashem, Mayor of Shebaa and President of the Union of Municipalities of Al-Arqoub Mohamed Saab, along with a large crowd of believers.

Mufti Dali delivered the holiday sermon, addressing many life and living issues in the region, specifically and Lebanon in general. He stated, "We hear threats from countries and organizations to impose sanctions and starvation if laws for homosexuality and same-sex marriage are not enacted. May God curse you, and wait for His wrath and revenge on you in this world before the hereafter, and we will be on guard against you."

He added, "This abomination has spread in our communities, and if we do not address it and stand against this destructive scheme, something greater than the destruction of homes will befall us— a reversal of hearts, blinding of insights, turning of minds, rampant corruption, oppression, injustice, and the loss of blessings and bounties."

He commended the stance of the Grand Mufti of the Republic Sheikh Abdul Latif Daryan, who opposes civil and optional marriage, the abolition of religious courts, and the enactment of a unified personal status law.

Regarding living crises, Dali remarked, "Unfortunately, there is no state we can depend on today or yesterday," saying, "How could we, when under the strong republic that has led us to the lowest depths of hell?"

He addressed the prime minister, stating, "Do not squander the right given to you by the constitution; you have immense responsibilities to find solutions," and he urged the MPs, "Do not be a calamity for the people but be worthy of the trust given to you."

As for the electricity crisis, he said, "In our town of Shebaa, there are good people and businessmen who have proven successful where they are, so let us join forces, link our hands to do good, leave behind all selfishness and anything that leads our society to disintegration, and establish an emergency plan to stand by our people."

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