
Title: Aouidat on Ghada Aoun: "Paranoia"

Title: Aouidat on Ghada Aoun:

Judicial sources revealed that the Attorney General of Mount Lebanon, Judge Ghada Aoun, has been referred to the Disciplinary Council for violating her obligation of discretion. In her initial comments on the referral, Aoun stated, "I was not notified about the complaint against me, nor was I summoned before the Inspection Authority, which is supposed to listen to the judge before referring them to the Disciplinary Council, and they did not do so. I suspect that this matter is related to alleged violations that have no basis in fact and I have been questioned about them." Aoun told OTV that "the timing of my referral to the Disciplinary Council comes from a fear of my continuing to follow delicate financial files that could lead to results in the fight against corruption, and the evidence is that the Attorney General overrides all laws and no one touches him."

While no official judicial entity has announced this referral or its source, and before Aoun spoke about it, the Attorney General, Judge Ghassan Aouidat, stated in a call with "Al-Jumhuriya" that he learned about the referral from online sites and social media, and he has no relation to this referral or its validity. In response to this unendorsed information from any officials, judicial sources informed "Al-Jumhuriya" that "the Minister of Justice previously referred Judge Aoun to the Judicial Inspection Authority immediately upon her return from a visit to France that she undertook without prior permission. However, there was no announcement about her presence before the authority, and if that took place secretly and without any prior announcement, that is normal, as the authority headed by Judge Burkan Saad has never publicly announced the names of the judges referred to it." They added, "Dozens of judges have appeared before her on several occasions without such steps being announced, as these matters usually remain confidential, including disciplinary and behavioral decisions. It is rare to publish such decisions before a media outburst as nothing is forbidden anymore after internal and somewhat secret trials turned into media material, lacking only direct broadcasting."

On another note, Judge Aouidat preferred not to respond to Judge Aoun and limited his comment to "Nidaa Al-Watan" regarding her words and attack on him with just one word: "Paranoia."

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