
Twitter Develops Tools Allowing Users to Control Who Sees Their Tweets

Twitter Develops Tools Allowing Users to Control Who Sees Their Tweets

The social media platform Twitter has announced that it is currently developing tools that allow users to determine who can see their tweets. This includes a feature that limits visibility to "verified friends only," with tweets from those on this list always displayed at the top of the user's tweet feed. CNET, a technology-focused website, reported that Andrew Corter, a product designer at Twitter, offered a sneak peek at some ideas the company is currently exploring through a tweet, expressing that he is awaiting user feedback on these concepts.

Corter added that Twitter has not fully developed any of the ideas shared so far. CNET noted that in recent years, Twitter has typically gathered user opinions and comments on new tools or features before proceeding with their development. This approach helps the company avoid criticisms and issues later when presenting the new tools or features to users.

Additionally, Twitter is considering another idea that would allow individuals to tweet as different characters from a single account. Users could follow all characters or specific characters from that account. For example, a user could define a character as a father, another as a worker, and another as a soccer fan, with each character having its own distinct tweets within the same account. In turn, any other user could choose to follow any of these characters without needing to follow or view tweets from the other characters associated with the account holder.

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