
A Breakfast Meal That Helps Ward Off "Diseases"

A Breakfast Meal That Helps Ward Off

While people tend to switch around their dinner meals, it is common to opt for a nearly identical breakfast each morning. This repetition in morning meals may be due to time constraints in the early hours of the day, making it essential to pay attention to what we consume in the morning for the necessary energy and health benefits. Choosing oatmeal in the morning as part of a healthy balanced diet could be one of the best options to help "ward off diseases." Many breakfast cereals boast rich nutritional content, and it has become common for these cereals to be fortified with important nutrients, such as folic acid and iron.

Oatmeal has properties that make it one of the best breakfast choices, according to a health researcher and biologist at the charity organization Viva. Veronica Chirvatova explains how eating oatmeal in the morning can help ward off diseases, stating that this source of carbohydrates is low in fat and high in protein, packed with essential nutrients. She added, "It contains a good range of vitamins and minerals—many B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, copper, and manganese. All these nutrients contribute to a strong immune system."

Chirvatova also emphasized that oatmeal contains a group of chemicals called avenanthramides. She explained that "these are powerful antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe irritation and itching. Thus, eating oatmeal can help with several inflammatory conditions." Numerous studies conducted over recent years have supported the anti-inflammatory effects of these chemicals.

A review from 2018, which examined various research papers to draw general conclusions, stated that these chemicals "have significant health-promoting properties" due to their anti-inflammatory effects. Chronic inflammation is a cause of some of the biggest killer diseases, such as heart diseases. It is also linked to arthritis, cancer, and Crohn's disease. Inflammation is the body's response to something that pressures it, like germs. The body sends white blood cells to fight bacteria or heal wounds. However, when this response is intense and prolonged, it can damage cells and tissues.

Researchers have also found that these compounds have properties that may inhibit cancer cell growth, according to a review published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences in 2019. Unfortunately, there are only a few clinical trials that have tested the effects of these compounds on cancer.

Chirvatova also clarifies that oatmeal contains two different types of fiber, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber, which dissolves in water, can help control blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Elevated blood sugar levels increase the risk of diabetes, while high cholesterol levels elevate the risk of heart disease. Studies have shown that oatmeal, when consumed as part of a healthy lifestyle, can reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Oatmeal may also be beneficial in your anti-aging beauty regimen, due to the anti-inflammatory role of avenanthramides in oats, which are chemicals that have a soothing effect on irritation and itching, as Chirvatova explained.

However, attention should be paid to the fact that consuming too much oatmeal can actually be harmful to health. Additionally, adding more sugar to oatmeal, such as sugar or chocolate and other sweet foods, can diminish the nutritional value of the meal, according to the website Eat This, Not That! citing Dr. Jan Eng Sern. Oatmeal can also cause bloating, as it is a type of whole grain that contains high levels of fiber, glucose, and starch. All these elements are consumed by gut bacteria, which release gases that can lead to bloating.

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