
Ukraine Rejects Iran's Compensation Offer for Victims of the Downed Plane

Ukraine Rejects Iran's Compensation Offer for Victims of the Downed Plane

A Ukrainian foreign ministry official stated that Ukraine rejects an Iranian offer to pay $150,000 to the families of the victims of the Ukrainian passenger plane downed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard over a year ago by a missile. The Ukrainian official added that Iran must first clarify the circumstances of the plane crash and prosecute those responsible before paying any compensation.

New compelling evidence surfaced at the end of April confirming that the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was not an accident but a deliberate act. Investigators from the Iranian Civil Aviation Organization concluded that the Boeing 737-800 passenger plane was mistakenly shot down in January 2020 due to a misidentification by an Iranian air defense unit, which considered the civilian aircraft a hostile target and acted accordingly. All 176 passengers, including crew members, perished in the incident.

Since the day of the incident, Canadian aviation expert Andrei Milnyk from Unicorn Aerospace has been investigating the matter. Meanwhile, Koryniak, the prosecutor for terrorism cases in Ukraine, is using his testimony and evidence to determine whether there are valid grounds to file an international lawsuit against the Iranian government at the World Court for crimes against humanity regarding the downing of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752.

Milnyk describes, according to a report from the Canadian magazine "King Weekly Sentinel," the incident as a deliberate attack carried out with intention by two surface-to-air missiles against Flight 752 after its departure from Tehran's airspace. The purpose of the Iranian attack was to disrupt a potential U.S. military strike against Iran by creating an automatic human shield composed of dozens of foreign government officials who began traveling to Iran just five hours after the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's missile strike against U.S. and Canadian forces stationed in Iraq.

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