
Horrific Crime Committed by Father, Victimizing Mother and Children

Horrific Crime Committed by Father, Victimizing Mother and Children

Investigations by the Public Prosecution, supervised by Counselor Mustafa Al-Mutnawi, the Attorney General for the Beni Suef Prosecutions, revealed that the husband was behind the murder of his wife and their three children after he placed rat poison in a stuffed vegetable dish due to financial troubles. Counselor Mustafa Al-Mutnawi issued five decisions regarding the death of a 54-year-old woman and her three children, who died from poisoning after consuming a stuffed vegetable dish at their home in the city of Al-Wasta.

The decisions included inspecting the bodies at the scene, conducting an examination by a team from the Public Prosecution in Al-Wasta, performing an autopsy to determine the cause of death, analyzing the contents and residues of the stomachs of the four bodies, and summoning the deceased's husband and neighbors to hear their statements regarding the incident to understand the details of what happened, as well as requesting investigations to clarify the circumstances and context of the case.

Four members of the same family—a woman and three children—lost their lives due to food poisoning after having a stuffed vegetable meal at their home in Al-Wasta Center, Beni Suef Governorate. Major General Tarek Mashhour, the Director of Security in Beni Suef, received a report about the incident, and upon investigation, it was confirmed that the deceased were: Abd al-Mohsen Said, 54 years old, Taha Ahmed Taha, 15 years old, Aya Ahmed Taha, 9 years old, and Abdul Rahman Ahmed Taha, 5 years old, residing behind a gas station in the city of Al-Wasta, northern Beni Suef Governorate.

The bodies were transferred to the morgue of Al-Wasta Central Hospital, and administrative and legal procedures are underway. The necessary report has been filed, and the Public Prosecution has been notified to take over the investigation into the incident.

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