
Boy Lives on White Bread and Yogurt for 10 Years Due to Rare Disorder

Boy Lives on White Bread and Yogurt for 10 Years Due to Rare Disorder

Ashton Fisher, a 12-year-old British boy, has spent more than a decade eating only a specific type of white bread and fruit yogurt before being diagnosed with a food phobia. Since he was two years old, Ashton has panicked and cried when trying anything other than slices of white bread and strawberry or banana yogurt.

His mother stated, "We were very worried about him because he wasn't getting the nutrients he needed, but he couldn't eat anything else because he was having terrifying panic attacks."

The child's phobia has affected his social life, as he has never eaten at school or at birthday parties of his classmates, prompting his parents to seek help from nutrition experts.

Last July, selective eating disorder specialist Felix Economakis diagnosed him with Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID). He managed to persuade Ashton to try new foods.

Ashton has started eating some meat sandwiches, grilled items, McDonald's chicken nuggets, and crispy potato chips. His condition is expected to improve in the coming months, according to Oddity Central.

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