
Side Effects of Medications and How to Alleviate Them

Side Effects of Medications and How to Alleviate Them

It is known that no medication is without side effects, as we can see when reading the package insert. Below, experts answer the most important questions related to side effects and provide tips on how to alleviate them:

**Is it true that there are no effects without side effects?**

German doctor Corinna Schaefer explained that any treatment that has an effect can have side effects, but it does not necessarily mean they will occur; it all comes down to probability. German pharmacist Ursula Zielberg supports this view.

**What are the common side effects?**

Zielberg explained that unspecified complaints such as fatigue, dizziness, nausea, gastrointestinal complaints, or headaches are the most common, as opposed to serious side effects that threaten life, cause disability, or require hospitalization or other medical interventions.

**What should we do if side effects are noticed?**

Schaefer stated that the doctor prescribes the medication and explains the potential side effects that must be reported immediately. Attention should be paid especially to the side effects of medications that have a black triangle on the package insert. It is advised to discuss side effects not mentioned in the insert with the doctor. Schaefer added that it is important not to reduce the dosage or stop taking the medication without consulting the doctor or taking another medication to counteract the side effects.

**Why are medications used despite their side effects?**

The reason lies in the balance between benefits and risks; medications undergo multiple stages of testing before hitting the market. With medications used for serious diseases such as cancer, more severe side effects can be expected compared to taking a medication for headaches. Schaefer pointed out that for many, avoiding risks plays a greater role than the benefits. Thus, sometimes patients do not benefit from an effective treatment that has severe side effects.

**Can side effects be avoided?**

Not always, but sometimes their intensity can be reduced. With some medications, certain side effects may only occur at the beginning of treatment and often disappear on their own during the treatment. Zielberg explained that one side effect of asthma sprays containing corticosteroids can be a fungal infection in the mouth. This can be prevented by rinsing the mouth with water after inhalation, brushing teeth, or eating something. If the undesirable effect of the medication is feeling tired, it should be taken in the evening as much as possible.

Doctors advise caution when treating the side effects of a medication with another medication; it is better to discuss this with the treating physician, as there may be another solution that can be tolerated better, which would limit the need to take multiple medications.

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