
Lavrov: We Have an Interest in Fully Restoring the Nuclear Deal

Lavrov: We Have an Interest in Fully Restoring the Nuclear Deal

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that Russia and Iran have an interest in fully restoring the nuclear deal.

During his meeting with Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in Moscow today, Lavrov stated, "This is one of the most pressing issues today, to save the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and the resolution regarding the Iranian nuclear program. We and Iran are genuinely interested in the complete fulfillment by all parties that signed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action of their commitments." Lavrov added, "Considering the roles of the two countries in the region, Moscow and Tehran are interested in deepening dialogue on issues such as security in the Arabian Gulf, the Afghan settlement issue, as well as the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh after the cessation of hostilities there."

The previous U.S. administration withdrew from the nuclear agreement with Iran in 2018, which was signed during Barack Obama's presidency, and announced the reinstatement of sanctions against it. The agreement between Iran and the six countries (China, Russia, the U.S., France, Germany, and the U.K.) came after several rounds of negotiations that were described as "marathon" in April 2015 in the Swiss city of Lausanne, which resulted in a comprehensive settlement ensuring the peaceful nature of the Iranian nuclear program and the complete abolition of all sanctions on Iran.

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