
Video: EgyptAir Captain Reveals New Details About the Historic Landing at Heathrow Airport

Video: EgyptAir Captain Reveals New Details About the Historic Landing at Heathrow Airport

Captain Walid Murad, a pilot with EgyptAir, confirmed that the company's operations center provides all information related to the flight once the pilot is assigned, and monitors him from the beginning to the end of the flight. Murad stated during a phone call on "Extra News" channel: "I was informed about the bad weather at Heathrow Airport and the presence of snow there, and I was given a backup airport in case the landing was unsuccessful due to the weather."

He explained that everyone knows it is a flight, but for them, it is a mission they perform to the best of their ability, in addition to executing all safety procedures to ensure a safe arrival. In a statement via "dmc" channel, he said: "I didn't do anything out of the ordinary; any colleague in the company would have done what I did, as we are trained for every emergency... I did the work that anyone at EgyptAir would have done."

He pointed out that there is an agenda for each pilot and backup plans in case he faces any emergencies, emphasizing that he followed the training and schedule set for him. He added: "If there is any praise for what I did, the credit goes to those who trained me. I was trained and learned in the Air Force and EgyptAir, and the credit belongs to those who taught us."

The landing executed by Captain Walid Murad, who piloted a Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner on flight number 777 to Heathrow Airport on Saturday, received worldwide acclaim, as the aircraft was affected by bad weather, but he successfully avoided it and landed safely, as demonstrated by a widely circulated video on social media.

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