
Lebanon: Floods and Heavy Rains Cause Damage in Several Areas

Lebanon: Floods and Heavy Rains Cause Damage in Several Areas

Residents and farmers in the Qahmiz area and its surroundings in the mountainous region of Jbeil woke up to natural disasters due to heavy rains, floods, and strong winds. The extent of damage to agricultural lands, particularly plastic houses that were uprooted by the force of the winds, became evident, as the floods inundated the crops within them, sweeping them away and ruining them.

One local reported that more than 30 millimeters of rain fell within an hour, along with about 25 minutes of continuous hail affecting seedlings and crops, noting that all residents rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. He emphasized that the area is considered a disaster zone due to the scale of the damages. He called on officials to compensate farmers for their losses, especially in light of the difficult economic conditions.

The National News Agency reported an explosion of an electricity transformer in the town of Bakhoun due to being struck by lightning this morning, leading to its complete failure and power outages in several neighborhoods of the town. The formation of floods from the heavy rains today turned roads and streets into pools of water, causing cars to break down, particularly on the Mershad al-Samad Boulevard in Bakhoun.

The road linking Baqarsouna to the Jurd of Marbeen in the highlands of the Dinniyeh region was closed due to a significant rockslide in the Naba'a al-Sukkar area. Appeals were made via social media to avoid using this road until it is reopened. The floods caused a wall to collapse in the town of Baqaasfarin and damaged the road leading to the Sir-Dinniyeh Government Hospital in the town of Asoon.

The heavy rain led to water accumulation along the international Baddawi highway connecting Tripoli to Akkar, as well as on the Minyeh highway and the Deir Ammar tunnel, where water pooled and halted traffic.

According to the National News Agency in Baalbek, the city experienced heavy rainfall accompanied by thunder and lightning, resulting in water pooling on roads and some drainage channels descending from the heights. Farmers are concerned about the negative impact of the rains at this time on the seasons of fruit trees and grains. The floods caused by the heavy rains also led to the collapse of a wall.

MPs Shauki Dakkash and Ziad Hawwat called on the High Relief Committee and all capable entities to help "assess the significant damages caused by the rain and hail that fell earlier today, especially in the Qahmiz area." The MPs issued a statement stating: "As if the economic crisis our people are suffering from, especially farmers, isn't enough, winter and hail have brought additional losses to them. We appeal to the High Relief Committee and all capable parties to assess the damages and assist the farmers who are awaiting the season.

We fully understand the difficult realities faced by the state, but people cannot be left to fend for themselves while their crops are destroyed and their only source of income is lost without any means of assistance. We will continue to follow up on this matter with all relevant parties in hopes of alleviating the repercussions of the damages and losses."

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