
Major Scandal Involving Judges to be Revealed on Tuesday

Major Scandal Involving Judges to be Revealed on Tuesday

Dr. Jean Alia, the Director-General of the Tenders Administration at the Central Inspection, stated in a call with "Anbaa" that the purpose of the complaint submitted by Justice Minister Henri Khoury in the caretaker government is to "cover up a major scandal involving judges that will be revealed during the investigation." Alia disclosed that he will present to the Lebanese judiciary what he knows during the investigation, which he described as "much more serious than defamation" that requires action.

Alia emphasized that he will attend the investigation with "pride and honor," noting that some friends have suggested he refrain from attending due to the existence of immunity that should be applied within the legal framework, as it was granted to protect the position rather than the individual. However, he personally believes in only one kind of immunity, which is the law, and will participate on Tuesday.

It is worth mentioning that Alia was notified of the session date before the public prosecutor at the Court of Cassation, Judge Ghassan Khoury, on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, regarding the complaint filed against him by the State Council following statements he made during a press conference held after the council's decision to annul the free market tender five years after it was conducted. Alia was held responsible for conducting a non-transparent tender that lacked competition. The council deemed that Alia's statements were defamatory, prompting him to send a letter to Justice Minister Henri Khoury, which was later disclosed and referred to the Public Prosecution Office.

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