
"The Kataeb Party": The Lebanese Have Refused to Allow Control Over the Country

The Kataeb political bureau held its meeting chaired by party leader Sami Gemayel, and after discussions, it issued the following statement:

1. The party congratulates the Lebanese, both residing and abroad, for changing the dynamics in the new parliamentary council. They have succeeded in bringing about change despite the intimidation, threats, and despair they faced for months, confirming that the vast majority of the Lebanese people reject the control over the country and want to save Lebanon and its people away from the logic of compromise and bending the rules.

2. The party renews its gratitude to everyone who voted for it and trusted its steady approach and discourse, promising the Lebanese that from its national position, it will continue to speak the truth and stand for what is right until the promises made to build a sovereign, free, independent, developed, pluralistic Lebanon that is open to the world are fulfilled.

3. The party warns against returning to the practices of bargains and exchanges that were prevalent before the elections at the expense of Lebanon and the Lebanese people’s interests, stating it will confront these actions inside Parliament as it did outside of it. The political bureau reiterates that it will not sit at any sharing table nor will it lend its vote to a Speaker of the Parliament, a Deputy, a Prime Minister, or a President who covers or defends Hezbollah's weapons under any pretext.

4. With the tightening economic and living pressure on the Lebanese, the political bureau emphasized the urgent need to form an effective government composed of recognized competencies that enjoys the trust of the Lebanese and the international community. This government should be able to act and not be constrained by the paralyzing national unity governments’ equation, and must begin as soon as possible the necessary reforms to improve negotiation conditions with the IMF and take the necessary reform measures to stop the collapse. The political bureau warns against obstruction, procrastination, and customary bargaining; the Lebanese have spoken, and everyone must comply.

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