
American Man Kills His Two Children with Fishing Gun "to Save the World from Monsters"

American Man Kills His Two Children with Fishing Gun

An American man stabbed his two children in their hearts using a pointed fishing gun and placed their bodies in a ditch in Mexico, according to CNN. Authorities stated that 40-year-old surfing coach Matthew Taylor Coleman from Santa Barbara, California, confessed to killing his two-year-old son and 10-month-old daughter in Mexico, claiming to the FBI that he was driven to murder after being "enlightened" by QAnon and conspiracy theories.

The police and federal agents were called after the children's mother reported them missing. Authorities tracked Coleman's cell phone to Mexico, and surveillance footage released by the authorities shows Coleman entering a hotel with his children on August 7. Just before 3 a.m. on August 9, they packed their belongings and left the hotel. He returned hours later alone.

Customs officials stopped him upon his return to the United States, while U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents discovered what appeared to be blood on the documents in his vehicle, with no children present. The FBI soon learned from Mexican authorities that the bodies of the two children were found overnight, along with the weapon used in the crime and blood-stained clothing and a baby blanket.

According to the criminal complaint, Coleman allegedly told authorities that he "received visions and signs revealing that his wife was carrying a DNA virus from an animal, which transmitted it to their children." Coleman also allegedly told the FBI that he was "saving the world from monsters." Coleman has been arrested and charged with the murder of American citizens.

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