
Al-Qaeda Makers Will Accuse Iran of Ties to the Organization!!!

Al-Qaeda Makers Will Accuse Iran of Ties to the Organization!!!

In an attempt to catch its breath, the outgoing administration of President Donald Trump is trying to bolster what remains of its position, as Secretary of State Mike Pompeo plans to reveal intelligence that will join the series of American allegations against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to informed sources, this information will accuse Iran of being linked to the terrorist organization al-Qaeda. Pompeo’s intentions regarding what he will present during his speech at the National Press Club in Washington today have not yet become clear; however, sources indicated that he may cite declassified information regarding the killing of the second-in-command of al-Qaeda in Tehran last August.

The New York Times previously reported that Abu Mohammed al-Masri, accused of assisting in the planning of the 1998 bombings of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, was killed by Israeli agents in Iran, a claim that Tehran has denied, stating that there are no "terrorists" from al-Qaeda on its territory.

Recently, U.S.-Iranian tensions have escalated, especially with the anniversary of the martyrdom of Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis approaching. In the face of a complex scenario and open possibilities, the whole world is waiting to see what will unfold in the next eight days of President Trump’s term, amid fears of his potential to launch a nuclear strike against Iran, a move that could ignite the entire world.

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