
A Promising Number: Over One Million Expats and Tourists to Lebanon!

A Promising Number: Over One Million Expats and Tourists to Lebanon!

The President of the Union of Tourist Syndicates in Lebanon, Pierre Ashkar, issued a statement revealing that "Lebanon has a real opportunity to catch its breath this summer, with around 1.2 million people arriving so far, most of whom are Lebanese expatriates." He stated, "The Lebanese expatriate once again confirms their love and attachment to their homeland. We called for expatriates to return to their motherland, and they are answering the call in a pioneering and distinctive national stance to save their country."

He added, "This is not surprising for them, as they played a significant role in the change during the parliamentary elections, and they will also play a leading role in saving Lebanon." Ashkar emphasized that "this figure is real as it has been counted from bookings at travel and tourism offices, and thus the arrival of 1.2 million people to Lebanon for the summer vacation can significantly impact both the economic and social situation."

He affirmed that "ensuring the success of this promising season, which is extremely important for Lebanon and every Lebanese amid the severe economic and living crisis, is the responsibility of everyone, from the top leadership to every citizen across Lebanese territories." He called on "officials and political forces to assume their national responsibilities, set aside all disputes and tensions, and to work on calming the situation and preparing the atmosphere to welcome Lebanese as well as Arab and foreign tourists."

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