
Putin Unresponsive to Macron; Soldiers in Mariupol Must Surrender

Putin Unresponsive to Macron; Soldiers in Mariupol Must Surrender

French President Emmanuel Macron made a call today, Tuesday, to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, focusing on the fighting in Ukraine and its repercussions. The Élysée Palace stated that Macron requested Putin to open humanitarian corridors in the city of Mariupol, but the Russian president requested time to respond. According to the Élysée statement: "Putin did not provide an answer regarding the humanitarian evacuation and told Macron: I will think and get back to you."

The French presidency considered that "the implementation of a humanitarian operation currently in Mariupol is not possible at this stage, as the conditions are not available." Paris sources noted that "Russia's response was expected" as "its stance on what is happening in Mariupol is very strict, centered on disregarding international humanitarian law."

On his part, the Kremlin stated that during the call, Putin affirmed that Ukrainian forces defending the strategic port of Mariupol, which has been besieged by Russian troops for weeks, must surrender for assistance to be provided to the civilians in the city. According to a Kremlin statement, Putin said, "To find a solution to the difficult humanitarian situation in this city, the Ukrainian nationalist fighters must cease their resistance and lay down their arms."

The Kremlin added that Putin informed his French counterpart about "the measures taken by the Russian army to provide urgent humanitarian aid and ensure the safe evacuation of civilians" in Ukraine. The officials also discussed the Russian-Ukrainian talks that took place on Tuesday in Istanbul. It was noted that Putin and Macron "agreed to continue their communications."

The Kremlin further mentioned that Putin and Macron discussed "paying for Russian gas imports to Europe in rubles." A French presidential official indicated that Macron informed Putin that it is not feasible for Western gas buyers to pay Russian gas purchase contracts in rubles.

This comes as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's office stated that leaders from Britain, the United States, France, Germany, and Italy agreed in a call today on the necessity of not easing the Western stance regarding Ukraine. The statement added: "The leaders discussed the need to work together to reshape the international energy structure and reduce reliance on Russian oil and gas. They also agreed that Western resolve cannot be weakened until the horror faced by Ukraine is over."

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