
Lavrov: The American Presence in Syria is a Flagrant Violation of International Legitimacy

Lavrov: The American Presence in Syria is a Flagrant Violation of International Legitimacy

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described the American presence in Syria as a flagrant violation of international legitimacy resolutions.

In a press conference in Moscow on Monday, Lavrov stated, "We have communications with the United States through military channels, not because we acknowledge the legitimacy of their presence in Syria, but simply because they must act within certain established rules." He emphasized that the American presence in Syria is a blatant violation of international legitimacy guidelines. Lavrov pointed out that Russia will not engage militarily against the American military presence but strongly demands that they do not target sites belonging to the Syrian government. He said, "We cannot evict them from there, and we will not engage in armed clashes with them, but given their presence, we are having a dialogue with them about so-called collision prevention, ensuring their compliance with certain rules. Among other things, we are firmly stating that the use of force against sites belonging to the Syrian state is prohibited."

Regarding Israeli violations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov mentioned that his country proposed to Israel to inform them of any purported security threats emanating from Syrian territory so that they could address these threats, ensuring that Syria does not become a battleground for regional conflicts. He said, "If Israel feels it must, as they claim, respond to security threats coming from Syrian territory, we have told our Israeli colleagues several times: If you identify such threats, please provide us with the relevant information." He stressed that Russia does not want Syrian territory to be used against Israel, nor, as many wish, a battleground for Iranian-Israeli confrontation.

Lavrov addressed the Israeli side, urging that if there are facts indicating a threat to their state arising from a part of Syrian territory, they should inform Russia immediately, assuring that it will take all necessary measures to neutralize this threat. He explained that Moscow has not yet received a concrete response to this proposal and noted that it continues to raise it.

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