
4 Foods That Can Stop Hair Loss

4 Foods That Can Stop Hair Loss

A nutrition expert has revealed 4 key foods that can help stop troublesome hair loss and promote growth. While some types of hair loss are permanent, such as male and female pattern baldness, others may be temporary. Various factors, including diseases and stress, can lead to hair loss. According to the British site "Express," the good news is that certain foods can intervene and enhance hair health. The newspaper notes that a healthy diet is crucial when it comes to fighting or preventing various illnesses.

Nutrition expert Abbas Kanani states that 4 foods may be particularly effective concerning hair loss, noting that choosing these good foods can help increase oil production and even stop hair falling out. The promising foods mentioned are sweet potatoes, spinach, fatty fish, and eggs. He pointed out that these foods naturally contain vitamin D, which helps with hair growth and reduces loss by supporting the glands in the scalp to produce a fatty substance known as sebum. He added that sebum helps keep the scalp moisturized, which in turn promotes hair growth and stops hair loss. The expert recommends choosing at least one serving of fatty fish weekly (such as salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel), which equals about 140 grams.

He continued, saying, "If these four foods don't seem appealing to you, there are other options that can promote your hair health." He recommended another group of foods, including nuts and meats, as they are rich in vitamin B known as biotin. He stated, "Biotin works by helping produce keratin, a protein that strengthens hair and prevents its follicles from damage. It has been proven that biotin promotes hair growth and reduces the rate of loss." Brazilian nuts may be effective as they also contain selenium, which encourages the hair growth cycle to function properly and is used in many hair loss supplements. Other foods that can also be beneficial include peppers, guavas, broccoli, and citrus fruits. Expert Kanani pointed out that these are rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that reduces the pressure on hair follicles caused by free radicals. He noted that vitamin C also produces collagen, an amino acid that serves as a building block for thick and healthy hair. He cautioned that severe vitamin C deficiency can cause anemia, one of its side effects being hair loss.

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