
Recent Studies on "COVID-19": Coughing Spreads the Disease 10 Times More than Talking

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A recent study on the transmission methods of "COVID-19" claims that coughing contributes to the spread of the disease ten times more than talking or breathing among infected individuals. Researchers indicated that this study's outcome suggests that healthcare workers are at greater risk of severe infection in areas where the virus is present.

Additionally, healthcare workers can be exposed to the disease at four times the rate of the rest of the population. Reportedly, infections in hospital wings are significantly higher than those in intensive care units. Efforts have been made to improve personal protective equipment and enhance hospital ventilation after experts called for this, according to a study by the University of Bristol and North Bristol, as mentioned in the British newspaper "The Guardian."

Dr. Eilir Hughes, a general practitioner, is advocating for masks to be made available to anyone suffering from "COVID-19," including suspected patients, according to "The Guardian." He added that this aligns with a growing body of evidence indicating that activities such as talking and particularly coughing aerosolize the virus.

If the country had taken a precautionary approach from the beginning of the pandemic, it would have proven to be the right strategy, although unfortunately, that did not happen. He stressed the need to reconsider policies to ensure appropriate protection for healthcare workers, noting that the evidence is now very clear on this matter. There are growing suspicions regarding the absence of adequate personal protective equipment, and employees are advised to wear surgical face masks.

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