Arab World

Fadlallah Discusses Health Situation in the South with Minister of Health

Fadlallah Discusses Health Situation in the South with Minister of Health

Member of the "Loyalty to the Resistance" bloc, MP Dr. Hassan Fadlallah, criticized the delays by some administrations and laboratories and their exploitation of the pandemic to evade responsibilities or for financial gain, contrary to the law and humanitarian standards, while the medical community is making significant efforts and sacrifices.

During a presentation to Minister of Health in the caretaker government, Dr. Hamad Hassan, regarding the overall health situation in the south and specifically in the Bent Jbeil district, Fadlallah outlined the completed steps and commendable actions taken by the ministry, as well as the role of hospitals and the responsibilities of public hospitals in combating the pandemic, considering that the health sector is currently on the front lines in the fight against COVID-19.

During the meeting, it was emphasized that public hospitals must prioritize their humanitarian, ethical, and legal responsibilities, enhance their roles, and care for patients, as the rising number of deaths necessitates the highest levels of accountability.

He called for the urgent preparation of the governmental hospital in Beit Lif, which the South Council has completed renovations on, highlighting that there are allocated funds in the budget that can be utilized along with additional financing to designate the hospital for COVID-19 patients, once a competent medical and administrative team is secured to alleviate the burden on families.

Fadlallah also discussed with the Minister of Health the request submitted by the Bent Jbeil municipality to import COVID-19 vaccines in collaboration with a number of benevolent individuals from the city. Minister Hassan promised to approve the request after completing the legal procedures that allow the private sector to import vaccines.

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