
Major General Ibrahim: We Face Tremendous Dangers

Major General Ibrahim: We Face Tremendous Dangers

On the occasion of the seventy-seventh anniversary of the General Security, Director General Major General Abbas Ibrahim addressed the military personnel: "O military personnel, your endurance and adherence to your military ethics are commendable and deserved for the efforts and sacrifices you make under dire conditions. What you do in service and sacrifice, in commitment to your oath, must continue because you are a shield of the nation that Lebanon needs now more than ever.

We all know the magnitude of the dangers surrounding us, both from abroad and from within. Externally, Lebanon is fighting a sacred battle to reclaim its maritime rights from the Israeli enemy, as well as to control the land crossings in enforcement of laws and regulations. There is no selectivity in the application of regulations nor is there any abuse of power for the sake of national rights. Internally, we are facing tremendous dangers fueled by economic and social collapse, which has affected all institutions, causing the structures of the state to erode. This calls us to be vigilant and to commit to the highest levels of readiness and caution in defense of Lebanon and the Lebanese, wherever we may be.

O military personnel, perseverance in providing effort and sacrifice for the law alone ensures steady and strong steps to confront harsh and difficult circumstances. The General Directorate of General Security, like you, is experiencing the suffering that threatens our way of life after threatening social, health, and educational stability.

What has affected the Lebanese has also affected us and other official institutions, for we are part of this people, and for their sake, we must unite and endure, as the opposite would mean accepting the collapse of everything. When security is lost, nothing of the state or the people will remain; hence, it is our fate to confront, and we have all sworn to this.

O military personnel, the General Directorate of General Security will strive hard to secure aid to mitigate the effects of difficulties, and it will maintain benefits and pay as much as possible of the price differences for medicines and healthcare, as well as exceptional social assistance to provide what approximates a salary. The leadership in General Security will continue to adopt exceptional service measures in addition to promoting deserving military personnel within the legally specified timelines.

Be true to your oath and your commitment to Lebanon, and your institution will not let you down.

Long live,

Long live General Security, and long live Lebanon."

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