UNRWA Seeks to Raise $800 Million in Funding

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is seeking to raise $800 million during a donors' conference in Brussels in mid-November, according to its Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. The official stated to reporters in New York, "We are looking to secure $800 million for one year" to finance "the three main activities" of UNRWA: education, health, and social protection. The Swiss Commissioner-General emphasized that the required funding would enable the continuation of activities at around 700 schools run by the agency, which educate 550,000 girls and boys, as well as the ongoing operation of health centers and provision of social protection for Palestinian refugees.

Lazzarini, who assumed his position in April, noted that in addition to the $800 million needed, there is a requirement for funding for humanitarian assistance provided by UNRWA, which varies from year to year depending on crises but is estimated at half a million dollars for 2022, similar to this year. He pointed out that the agency is facing a shortfall of $100 million by the end of this year, and may have to suspend some activities in November and December.

Lazzarini added, "Today we continue to seek and chase funding... I do not know in advance if I will be able to pay the salaries of about 28,000 staff" at UNRWA. Regarding criticisms previously leveled by Israel, particularly concerning the training of local teachers and the content of the textbooks used, the Commissioner-General emphasized that UNRWA is transparent and one of the UN agencies most scrutinized in its activities. He reminded that the criteria for selecting teachers and textbooks are determined by the host countries. UNRWA provides assistance to over 5 million registered Palestinian refugees in the Palestinian territories, Jordan, and Lebanon.

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