
## Safe Amount of Red Meat for Humans

## Safe Amount of Red Meat for Humans

A Russian nutrition expert announced that a healthy individual can consume 400-500 grams of red meat per week without any harm. This may contradict the habits of many who are accustomed to eating red meat daily and in large quantities. Dr. Irina Bergnaya, a gastroenterology specialist, noted in an interview with Russian radio "Sputnik" that some experts recommend completely giving up red meat.

What are the benefits and harms of this meat? According to the Russian expert, the term "red" applies to beef and lamb. These meats are rich in beneficial substances, such as iron, selenium, B vitamins, and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for supporting the immune system, central nervous system, and muscles. She emphasized that the daily iron requirement can be met with a small piece of red meat, while obtaining the same amount of iron from plant-based foods would require eating three kilograms of apples a day or a kilogram of buckwheat.

Red meat is particularly necessary for athletes and those who engage in physical activity. She added, "If a person is an athlete or engages in intense physical activity, they should consume red meat more than someone with a sedentary lifestyle, as muscles need a large amount of amino acids."

According to the Russian expert, a healthy person should consume 400-500 grams of red meat per week. However, those who are overweight, have high cholesterol levels, or suffer from cardiovascular diseases should avoid fatty red meat. She stated, "We limit consumption of certain types of meat due to their high content of cholesterol and unnecessary fatty amino acids. The trans fats present in them are easily processed by the body and can accumulate as cholesterol plaques."

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