
General Ibrahim: The Next Phase is Fraught with Military and Security Dangers

General Ibrahim: The Next Phase is Fraught with Military and Security Dangers

The Director-General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, addressed the military on the occasion of Resistance and Liberation Day, stating: "O soldiers, the 25th of May is a day to remember those heroes who fell defending Lebanon against the mightiest state that claimed unparalleled and invincible strength. The Lebanese shattered this claim. This shining milestone in Lebanon's history, which unified the Lebanese, established a new strategic equation where Lebanon stood as a barrier preventing the Israeli enemy from achieving its expansionist goals. Our homeland has become the first line of defense for Arabs, strengthened by its army, security institutions, people, and resistance, and weakness is no longer synonymous with Lebanon.

O soldiers, on this national occasion, I urge you to uphold the highest standards of discipline and maintain constant readiness to engage in security battles against Israeli intelligence violations that undermine national security and Lebanon's sovereignty, disregarding international laws and norms.

The continued Israeli enemy's violations on land, sea, and air, and its obstinacy to maintain occupation of a cherished part of our homeland in Kfarshouba Hills and Shebaa Farms as well as at sea imply that Lebanon, with its army, people, and resistance, remains on heightened alert and readiness to confront and withstand all attempts to prevent it from exploiting its gas and oil resources.

The upcoming phase is fraught with military and security dangers. Despite Lebanon's commitment to the provisions of Resolution 1701, Israeli assaults and provocations are still repeated almost daily. The most dangerous challenge we face is the enemy's continued military maneuvers simulating a war against Lebanon.

O soldiers, on this national occasion, I proudly address you to commend your resilience, discipline, and dedication in your work amid difficult economic conditions. I appreciate the great effort you put forth fulfilling the duty you have dedicated yourselves to, preserving your oath and implementing the directorate's motto in providing the highest forms of sacrifice and performance in the fields of management and security without any negligence. Long live you, long live Lebanon."

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