
Aircraft Ignite Ukraine War: Russia Warns and U.S. Gives "Green Light"

Aircraft Ignite Ukraine War: Russia Warns and U.S. Gives

The United States has given Poland the green light to supply Ukraine with fighter jets, while Moscow has warned neighboring countries against receiving fighter aircraft for Kyiv. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken noted that the U.S. is in discussions with Warsaw to finalize a deal that would allow Ukrainian pilots to use Polish fighter jets to counter Russian air superiority. The deal aims to provide Kyiv with 28 Russian-made MiG-28 warplanes, with the U.S. set to compensate Poland with a number of F-16 aircraft. Blinken stated in an interview with CBS, "The matter has received the green light. In fact, we are talking to our friends right now about how we can meet their needs if they choose to provide these fighters to the Ukrainians."

This development comes as Russia has warned countries neighboring Ukraine about the consequences of hosting fighter jets for Kyiv, which may be used against Russian forces. Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov accused Romania of allowing the landing of those Ukrainian fighter jets. Konashenkov said in a video statement, "The use of airport networks in these countries to form a base for Ukrainian military aircraft and their later use against Russian forces can be considered these countries' involvement in an armed conflict." He stated that virtually all of Ukraine’s combat-ready aircraft have been destroyed, according to AFP.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is urging Western powers to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine to spare the country from further Russian airstrikes. Conversely, Russian President Vladimir Putin views any country's imposition of a no-fly zone in Ukrainian airspace as engagement in the military conflict.

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