
Title: "Dog Saves Elderly Owner After Falling into Lake"


with bravery and intelligence, a dog managed to save the life of its 81-year-old owner after he fell into a lake in his wheelchair. Harry Smith (81) was taking his dog "Sarah Jane" for a walk along the shores of a lake near his home in Port St. Lucie, Florida, when moments of relaxation turned into tragedy as his electric wheelchair rolled off the bridge and into the water.

Smith desperately tried to remain upright while trapped in his wheelchair, but to no avail. Fortunately, his dog realized that her owner was in danger and began barking loudly to attract attention. Her strong barking was the successful way two passersby noticed what was happening, and they immediately alerted a police officer who happened to be driving by, according to the Italian newspaper "La Stampa."

A spokesperson for the state police said, "When Officer Dougherty got out of the patrol car, he saw Mr. Smith was submerged up to his neck in water, so the bystanders and the officer worked together to get him out and pull him to the shore where he received medical treatment. Since the wheelchair was not working after falling into the water, the citizens and the officer helped transport him back home."

He added, "We are grateful to Mr. Smith's dog and the passersby who helped save his life, and once again the saying holds true, a man's best friend is his dog."

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