
Imran Khan to Western Ambassadors Regarding Russia: Are We Your Slaves?

Imran Khan to Western Ambassadors Regarding Russia: Are We Your Slaves?

On Sunday, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan criticized Western ambassadors in Islamabad who urged Pakistan last week to condemn Russia's actions in Ukraine, questioning whether they believed Pakistan was "their slave." The heads of 22 diplomatic missions, including those from European Union member states, published a joint letter on March 1, urging Pakistan to support a UN General Assembly resolution condemning Russia's military operation in Ukraine. The release of that letter was a rare public step.

Khan told a political gathering, "What do you think? Are we your slaves... do we do anything you say?" Pakistan, a traditional ally of the West, abstained from voting when the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly reprimanded Russia for its military action in Ukraine.

Khan further remarked, "I want to ask the EU ambassadors: did you write a similar letter to India?" noting that Pakistan's arch-rival also abstained from voting. He added that European countries did not criticize India for its actions in Kashmir, which led to two wars between Pakistan and India. Khan mentioned that Pakistan suffered due to its support for NATO in Afghanistan, and instead of gratitude, it faced criticism.

Khan and his government have drawn attention since his trip to Moscow in late February amid rising concerns of military action, where he met with President Vladimir Putin just hours after the Russian president ordered his forces into Ukraine. Khan stated, "We are friends with Russia as we are friends with America, and we are friends with China and Europe; we are not in any camp." He added that Pakistan would remain "neutral" and work with those attempting to end the war in Ukraine.

As the Russian war on Ukraine entered its 12th day, Russian forces tightened their encirclement of the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, in preparation for an assault, while Russian and Ukrainian delegations arrived in Belarus for a third round of negotiations.

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