In a disturbing incident, a domestic worker systematically contaminated a Kuwaiti family's food with her own waste for a year as an act of revenge. The worker claimed that her abhorrent behavior stemmed from the fact that her designated room was separate from the other rooms, located on the roof of the house, as explained by security authorities.
Details revealed by a security source to the Kuwaiti newspaper "Al-Anbaa" indicated that a citizen filed a report to the authorities yesterday morning, bringing along his Indian domestic worker and a video clip documenting her crime. The source noted that the citizen explained that the family had recently begun to feel that the food prepared by the domestic worker was not right and that there was a change in its taste, prompting him to set up a surveillance camera without the worker's knowledge. The shocking discovery was that the worker was observed putting liquid waste into a container and then distributing it into the food and drinks.
When confronted with the video recorded in the food preparation room, the Indian worker confessed that she was doing this out of revenge against the family and admitted to intentionally contaminating the food and drinks in other ways as well. It is worth mentioning that the authorities detained the worker in a police station in the capital of Kuwait, and the Director General of the Governorate's Security Directorate has issued a decision to deport her from the country.