
Secrets of Local Newspapers Issued in Beirut Today, Monday

Secrets of Local Newspapers Issued in Beirut Today, Monday


A political reference revealed that a sensitive law project is under consideration for approval and will be postponed until after the parliamentary elections, and perhaps the presidential elections as well. Tracking sources expect the parliamentary elections to lead to further repercussions in one of the historic parties following the election. A former party MP from the North's third district is expected to take a position on the elections, possibly urging his supporters and friends to vote for one of the lists not supported by his party.


A senior official stated that the phone call from Saudi ambassador Walid Bukhari to President Saniora transcends the Ramadan occasion and carries politically significant implications! An experienced political leader frequently mentions in his gatherings that the President's statement about not leaving office before delivering all corrupt individuals to justice requires extending Aoun’s presidency by at least two consecutive terms! Party efforts succeeded in containing disputes among the three presidents and maintaining a minimum level of cooperation among them to navigate the period leading up to the elections, should they occur on May 15.

**Al-Nidaa Al-Watani**

Workers in vocational and technical education received an amount of 180 US dollars in addition to transportation allowances, making the vocational teacher's salary in hospitality double that of the teacher in the faculty of medicine at the Lebanese University. Influential parties within the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities are distributing permits and licenses for investment and the transfer of stocks and quarries without regard for environmental conditions and without adhering to financial and legal requirements. It is rumored that the General Directorate of Oil is circumventing the mechanism for delivering diesel set by the Central Bank, which requires partial cash payment, by withdrawing the product under the names of some water institutions and municipalities from oil-importing companies against checks, only to return it to generator owners and small traders, after which the directorate demands the Central Bank to cash the checks from its account.


It has become clear that the personal electoral interest of a political party leader takes precedence over all the interests of the parties allied with him. After two opposing teams attempted to suggest they had the upper hand in an electoral alliance, recent events have disproven that and confirmed their submission to the decision of an effective party.


Comments from American newspapers and websites intersected when Western intelligence, particularly American, failed to predict at least two significant steps by Russian President Vladimir Putin: first, the introduction of the ruble for gas sales to Europe, and second, the positioning of his troops around Kyiv resembling a partial withdrawal. Military experts indicated that the escalation scene centered around Yemen in recent months will shift to Palestine, and the resistance axis, which emerged victorious by achieving conditions similar to Yemen by lifting the siege, will achieve a similar victory following rounds of Palestinian escalation aimed at lifting a similar siege on Gaza.

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