
Tragic Images: He Ended His Life in Front of His Lover's Home and This Is What He Wrote

Tragic Images: He Ended His Life in Front of His Lover's Home and This Is What He Wrote

In a recent suicide incident that shook Yemenis, a young Yemeni man under the age of thirty hanged himself in the Yareem district of Ibb Governorate. Journalist Bashir Al-Masqari clarified that the deceased, named Rayed Muhammad Al-Ta'zi, was found by some residents hanging from a concrete pole next to a water tank in Yareem. He indicated in an interview with Al-Arabiya.net that the deceased was not from the area but from a village belonging to the neighboring Bani Dhan district. It is believed he was among those displaced to the village of "Rabat Al-Shaari" due to the escalating conflicts surrounding Yemeni cities. He confirmed that he committed suicide due to a romantic crisis, choosing death to escape his suffering after realizing that a relationship with the one he loves was impossible.

He had written, "I love you to death..." Al-Masqari revealed that Rayed left behind a collection of letters found in his pocket, containing words of love, anger, and pain. In one of those letters, he wrote to his lover, "Enjoy your life and forget me for your sake... By God, I love you to death, and today I proved everything to you." In another letter, he stated: "You promised me you wouldn’t be with anyone else, but you broke your promises, yet I did not betray you. Remember me, my life, I love you to death." In another message addressed to his lover by name, he wrote: "I will not forgive you... Take everything and keep it, and remember me, I love you. The phone is yours and everything is yours."

Al-Masqari noted that the girl he loved had indeed married on the same night as his suicide and moved to Rad'a city in Al-Bayda governorate, which is thousands of kilometers away from the village. This prompted him to hang himself in an unfinished building facing the girl's home.

On the other hand, many activists considered that the surge in suicide cases stemmed from one common cause: the high cost of living, which has made it challenging for young people to bear the costs of marriage, along with the lack of job opportunities, increasing unemployment rates, and rising prices. Mustafa Mahmoud stated that most individuals who committed suicide in Yemen shared similar circumstances and motivations, namely poverty and unemployment, and the deterioration of social and economic conditions. He pointed out that Yemenis have become strangers to each other, sharing fear and humiliation alongside their bread.

Meanwhile, Abu Amir Al-Qahtani expressed skepticism about the circumstances of this incident, stating, "This is not a suicide case; it is a clear murder." Khalid Al-Qudaimi agreed, stating, "There is a suspicion of homicide."

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