
Mufti Qabalan: Berri for the Presidency of the Council, Period

Mufti Qabalan: Berri for the Presidency of the Council, Period

The distinguished Jaafari Mufti Sheikh Ahmad Qabalan stated that "before we lament for the country and the people, we must be very realistic and stand with the people in the streets, alleys, and among the shanties, in both good times and bad, sharing their bread and medicine, and their concerns and worries. The first and foremost demand is to expedite the formation of a national unity government without any retaliatory conditions. The belief of some that they can execute certain regional or international agendas is pure madness. To these individuals, I say: the attack on the resistance’s weapon will never benefit you; the weapon that freed Lebanon is a weapon of sacrifice, dignity, sovereignty, and survival, and this weapon will remain a guarantee for Lebanon. Let us abandon the trade of lies on demand; a genuine concern for Lebanon is met with a national unity government, and any disagreements should be addressed at the government table. The void is the enemy of civil peace and the state project. The state of the country suggests that we should rush to meet each other rather than raise political barricades and paid slogans. Our definitive choice for the presidency of the parliamentary council is President Nabih Berri, period."

He continued in a statement: "The national necessity demands giving the parliament the greatest momentum to protect the representative base and the impending constitutional obligations. If there must be a recommendation as big as the survival of a nation, I advise you to rush to form a national unity government and not to play with narrow calculations, as the governmental vacuum will place us before the worst void in the presidency, and with it, a tsunami of crises will commence. Lebanon will not be anything but one state with one sovereignty and one legitimacy; the calculations of some are an illusion; I advise these individuals not to play with fire because the limit has been reached. The country accommodates only one national state; anything else is prohibited, certain, and inevitable, and will not be realized even in the imagination of some. Those who do not learn from history will be buried by history."

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