
Arnold Schwarzenegger Sends Video Message to Putin and Russian Soldiers

Arnold Schwarzenegger Sends Video Message to Putin and Russian Soldiers

Movie star Arnold Schwarzenegger delivered an impactful message to Russian President Vladimir Putin via video, urging him to stop the war. In a 9-minute clip published on social media on Thursday, Schwarzenegger expressed his appreciation for the people of Russia, according to USA Today. He said, "I have always been inspired by the strength and heart of the Russian people. That’s why I hope you allow me to tell you the truth about the war in Ukraine and what is happening there. No one likes to hear something that criticizes their government, and I understand that. But as an old friend of the Russian people, I hope you will hear what I have to say."

The Hollywood star addressed Russian soldiers and President Vladimir Putin, saying, "To the soldiers who are listening to me, remember that 11 million Russians have family ties to Ukraine – so with every bullet you fire, you are firing on a brother or sister. And to President Putin, I say: You started this war. You are the one leading this war. You can stop this war."

Schwarzenegger, 74, criticized the Russian government's claims that the purpose of the war was to "remove the Nazis from Ukraine," sharing images and videos of bombed buildings, crowded refugee shelters, and families saying emotional goodbyes before separating. He concluded his message by saying, "To all the Russians who have been protesting in the streets against the war in Ukraine, the world has witnessed your courage."

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