
What Entitlements Await Us in the Fall?

What Entitlements Await Us in the Fall?

According to current information and the prevailing atmosphere, Lebanon has entered a phase of unprecedented political escalation, especially in light of the speech by the head of the Lebanese Forces Party, Samir Geagea, during the commemoration of the Lebanese resistance martyrs in Maarab, culminating in the press conference by the head of the Free Patriotic Movement, MP Gebran Bassil. This has brought matters back to the starting point amid this escalation, leading to a return of divisions within the Christian sphere. Additionally, the atmosphere indicates that Lebanon is heading into a new phase, aligning with political alignments in light of the approaching presidential elections, and there is no indication of a new government on the horizon. Thus, the Free Patriotic Movement has stated its position through Bassil, asserting that it's either a new government or all options are on the table.

Information also confirms that meetings for the leadership of the Free Patriotic Movement have become open across various regions, as several scenarios are being proposed at this stage. One of the main issues at hand is the preparations for mobilization in the streets, reminiscent of what occurred at Baabda Palace when it was "the people's palace," referring to populist gatherings that refuse to hand over power to a caretaker government or a resigned government, which has opened the door wide. The question here is what might happen in the upcoming days.

In this context, sources indicate that Arab and international communications have begun to avert potential incidents and developments in Lebanon at this stage, including acts of unrest and perhaps a return to mobile wars in light of sectarian and division-based tensions. This coincides with the ongoing economic crisis after the country has reached complete breakdown and bankruptcy on all fronts. From this standpoint, the information also emphasizes that if the situation continues as is, a political explosion will be imminent, concurrent with a social explosion due to the collapse of the national currency and the approaching fall educational, heating, and other liabilities. It is expected that more than one Arab and Western capital related to the Lebanese file will intervene in the coming days to halt this escalation and spare Lebanon from any catastrophe, especially as diplomatic sources indicate that Lebanon is not in a normal or conventional status, and the situation remains open to all possibilities, also linked to any escalation that may be undertaken by the Israeli enemy in light of the heightened threats in recent days.

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