
No Specific Visit Planned for Ducan to Lebanon

No Specific Visit Planned for Ducan to Lebanon

A French diplomatic source confirmed to "Al-Jumhuria" that there is no specific visit planned today for the French envoy Pierre Ducan, meaning there will be no visit to Lebanon at this time. Regarding whether the results of the French parliamentary elections would negatively affect Lebanon, the source affirmed that they are unrelated to France's dealings with Lebanon and will of course not impact the priority France gives to Lebanon. Furthermore, it will not negatively affect the Lebanese file, specifically the reform file and the recovery plan that France has undertaken.

The source added, "We continue to support Lebanon, but we are also waiting for the reforms to provide more assistance. We are specifically waiting for the reforms requested by the International Monetary Fund regarding the 2022 budget, 'capital control', deposits, banking secrecy, forensic auditing, and the economic recovery and banking rescue plans."

Regarding the relationship that France has with Mikati, the French diplomatic source reminded that the French embassy issued a statement immediately upon Mikati's appointment, affirming that they were informed of his assignment to form the new government. It emphasized that "the responsibility now lies with the designated Prime Minister to form a government as quickly as possible that is capable of implementing the necessary structural measures and reforms to uplift the country, particularly the reforms negotiated last April with the International Monetary Fund."

In this context, the statement placed responsibility on all supportive and opposing forces in the Lebanese Parliament and reminded that France is keen to conduct the presidential elections according to the schedule specified in the constitution, affirming that France will continue its full commitment alongside the Lebanese people.

As for the direct support that France provides to Mikati, the French source commented on this characterization by stating, "France supports the Lebanese government and its president, not as an individual but as an official position. It does not engage with him based on his persona, but rather on his official role as the Prime Minister of Lebanon, and on this basis, it maintains continuous communication with him."

In turn, the source pointed out that "France clearly tells Mikati at the same time what it wants from him in return for the required support, meaning that support is contingent upon results and the work and reforms required from the Lebanese government."

Regarding the issue of maritime border demarcation between Lebanon and Israel, the source mentioned that in addition to the American mediation in the negotiations regarding the demarcation file, the French are also playing their role in this matter. They are in communication with their American allies on the subject and are also in touch with their Lebanese partners to reach a serious and effective dialogue concerning clear lines for the border demarcation.

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