
Who Inherited the Seats of "Future"?

Who Inherited the Seats of

According to "International Information": With the announcement of Future Movement leader Saad Hariri suspending political work and not running for the parliamentary elections, the question arose of who would inherit the Future Movement and take his place in the 20 parliamentary seats he occupied. Following the results of the elections that took place on Sunday, May 15, 2022, the "picture of the heirs" emerged as shown in the attached table, indicating that half of the 20 seats were divided equally between the change-makers and those close to the Future Movement.

"Change-makers": 5 seats

The National Free Movement: 3 seats

Close associates of Future: 5 seats

"Independents": 3 seats

Islamic Group: 2 seats

Candidate supported by Fouad Siniora: 1 seat

Hezbollah: 1 seat

The attached table below shows the distribution of seats obtained by the Future Movement in 2018 and who inherited these seats in the 2022 elections.

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