
Shocking Facts About Smuggling and New Tactics

Shocking Facts About Smuggling and New Tactics

Many believed that following the "Death Boat" incident, anyone daring to escape Lebanon by illegal sea routes would reconsider their decision and think twice before taking such a suicidal step. They also thought that the death merchants, who have long profited from people's miseries, would be deterred, even if it meant claiming more lives, especially those of children, women, and young people.

In this context, a source informed "Nidaa Al-Watan" that "the efforts made by the Lebanese army, particularly the Intelligence Directorate, continue to uncover large-scale smuggling operations, successfully thwarting many of them recently. This is after gangs managing human smuggling have resorted to new tactics to continue their operations without falling into the army's grasp."

The source revealed that "the army thwarted one of the most dangerous human smuggling attempts, which poses a reckless gamble for those who have chosen to risk their lives. According to the data gathered from investigations into illegal sea escapes and based on security information and close monitoring by the army’s Intelligence Directorate, a military force arrested 113 individuals of various nationalities who were preparing to leave the country illegally via boats. Another group of 17 individuals of diverse nationalities was also apprehended, awaiting their transfer across the sea, bringing the total to 130 illegal migrants."

The source indicated that "the significant data obtained from investigations revealed facts related to smuggling operations. Individuals seeking illegal migration come from different Lebanese regions (Sidon, Tyre, Borj Hammoud, etc.), consisting of Lebanese, Syrian, and Palestinian nationalities of various ages, including men, women, and children. They gather in the northern region, paying $8,000 each. Upon arrival and payment, they are housed in areas where several individuals are forced into rooms not designed for such overcrowding. They remain in these rooms for a period during which the smuggling gang provides them with essential needs. Investigations showed that a large group spent 27 days in one apartment, waiting for transportation abroad. Initially, the smuggling gang collects mobile phones and identification cards from illegal migrants to cut off any communication with the outside while they are crammed into the apartment."

The source noted that illegal migrants are transported in batches, revealing that the larger boat intended to leave the territorial waters remains offshore and does not approach the beach. The individuals wanting to migrate are divided into small groups along the Lebanese coast, and small boats then take four or five individuals at a time to avoid attracting attention, transporting them to the larger boat that sets off later. It was also discovered that at times the larger boat does not depart from Lebanon but from Syria.

**Western Silence**

A relevant ministerial source expressed surprise at the "Western, specifically European, silence regarding smuggling and illegal migration operations. While this issue was once a major concern for ambassadors and Western envoys, who exerted significant pressure on Lebanon to prevent the leak of illegal migrants to Europe, a complete silence has prevailed since last spring."

The source questioned, "Does this silence relate to the Ukrainian war? Are they facilitating the entry of these migrants, especially the young, to later transfer them to Ukraine for fighting? If the answer is no, why has there been a months-long disregard for illegal migration, from the naval UNIFIL forces to European shores? Why has this issue ceased to be a main concern for diplomats and envoys?"

The source warned "Lebanese families, especially the youth, against continuing this venture, as there is great concern that their escape from the dire reality in Lebanon may lead them to another hell, forcing them to move to a country facing conflicts or wars, with Ukraine being an example of this danger."

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