
Extension of Holiday to Two and a Half Days: UAE Adopts a New Weekly Work System

Extension of Holiday to Two and a Half Days: UAE Adopts a New Weekly Work System

The UAE government has announced a new weekly work system for the federal government sector, which will consist of four and a half working days, running from Monday to Thursday, with a half-day of work on Friday. The government stated that the weekly holiday will be on Saturday and Sunday, starting from January 1, 2022, with Sunday, January 2, designated as an official holiday.

This decision applies to all entities within the federal government sector. According to the new resolution, official working hours from Monday to Thursday will be from 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM, totaling eight hours of work, as reported by the official news agency. Friday's working hours will be from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM (four and a half hours), with the working hours for public schools in the country to be announced later.

The new system will allow for flexible working hours and a remote work system on Fridays in the federal entities, with the implementation mechanisms to be determined by these entities as necessary for the efficient operation of their work. Additionally, the decision includes the unification of the timing for the Friday sermon and prayer, set at 1:15 PM nationwide throughout the year.

The new weekly work system is expected to enhance the UAE's position on the global business map as a global economic hub, contributing to greater integration of the national economy with various global economies and markets. It is strategically important for the UAE's role in the global economy, especially since this new workweek aligns its working days with countries that observe the weekend holiday on Saturday and Sunday.

Furthermore, the adoption of this new workweek will support the financial sector by aligning with the working days of global stock exchanges, financial markets, and international banks, which will enhance the performance of the UAE's stock markets, banks, insurance companies, and foreign trade.

The government anticipates that this new weekly work system will improve the performance and productivity of government work, enhance the country's competitiveness, and solidify its status among the most attractive countries for work and life globally. It will also establish the flexibility of government work and its ability to adapt quickly to any changes and developments around the world, thus boosting levels of performance and productivity while enhancing the quality of life in the work environment.

Additionally, the new system for working days and weekend holidays in the UAE is expected to strengthen family bonds and community cohesion, and enhance employees' quality of life, especially with the extension of the weekend holiday to two and a half days. This will help achieve a balance between personal life and work requirements, improve employee relations with their families, and provide them with the opportunity to enjoy a longer weekend from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening, positively impacting family relationships and contributing to increased productivity and performance at work.

The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources had proposed the new weekly work system, supported by benchmarking studies at the regional level and a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the anticipated results in terms of improving productivity in the government sector and stimulating economic activity in the country through increased local consumption, alongside enhancing family and community ties.

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